
From Q4MAX

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Configuring Q4Max

Make sure you read the client cvar reference.

Chat Tokens

Chat tokens can be used to fill in some information in a chat message. To output the # character itself, type in ## - otherwise Q4Max will "eat" it as if it was a token.

  • #A - Armor
  • #C - Corpse
The location where you last died
sayteam 'Overrun at #C'
  • #F - nearest Friendly player, i.e. teammate
  • #H - Health
sayteam 'Hurting bad - #H/#A'
  • #I - nearest Item
Shows the nearest available item.
  • #K - nearest ammo
  • #L - Location
Nearest "significant" item spawn (weapon, armor, powerup, or MH), whether the item is there or not
  • #N - nearest Friendly player, i.e. teammate - reporting his Nick.
  • #P - last Picked up item
  • #R - nearest health or armor
  • #W - Weapon
Lists the current weapon and ammo you have.

You can see examples of team chat binds using tokens below.


Most settings can be controlled via the menus, but a separate config file remains a very reliable way to manage your personal settings. This is where profiles come in. Profiles are just like regular .cfg files, except they only store variables, commands and binds (from now on, "settings") that are considered "safe" (menu options and a few others) :

  • They limit eventual config exploits so players can still load personal configs in LAN tournaments that choose to enforce generally accepted config restrictions.
  • The cvars are generally known to not cause issues, which could happen otherwise if you like to alter every single setting for the sake of tweaking.

For a list of what's allowed, just save a profile and look at the resulting cfg. ua_ scripts/binds are excluded, as well as binding scripts (i.e bind key "cvar 1;otherCvar 1;command").

Profiles are saved in /q4max/profiles as .cfg files. You can interact with them via the Profiles menu, or the loadProfile/saveProfile console commands.

Loading a profile reverts all the cvars to their defaults, unbinds all keys, then executes the profile cfg, loading the allowed settings (and only them). This can be used to reset quake4config.cfg to a clean working state, then customizing it in a way that remains so. Saving a profile saves the allowed settings (and only them) to a .cfg in the profiles directory.

Once you've setup everything as you need, save it as a profile.

By default, Q4Max ships with two handy profiles : preset-performance and preset-eyecandy. Loading them does not reset your binds.

Tip : You can safely execute somebody else's cfg by loading it through the profile system.

Further config tweaks

Below are examples of the kind of non-profile settings you might want to change in extra config files.

Team chat binds

Note that the placement of single and double Quotes " and ' is very important.

bind f4 "sayTeam '^2SECURE^7: #h/#a/#w loc: #l'; emote salute"
bind f5 "sayTeam '^1DANGER^7: #h/#a/#w loc: #l'; emote taunt"
bind f6 "sayTeam '^2DROPPING^7 #w loc: #l'; dropWeapon ; emote grab_a"
bind f7 "sayTeam '^2ITEM AVAILABLE^7 #i loc: #l'; emote cheer"

Weapon binds

This is an example of how to setup different crosshairs and sensitivities per weapon with binds. You can add additional variables to each bind of course, or remove some if you want. In general, if you change one variable on only one bind, you will have to set a standard value of it in all the other binds.

bind "0" "weapon 9; sensitivity 5; g_crosshaircustom 14"
bind "1" "weapon 0; sensitivity 5; g_crosshaircustom 14"
bind "2" "weapon 1; sensitivity 3; g_crosshaircustom 13"
bind "3" "weapon 2; sensitivity 3; g_crosshaircustom 12"
bind "4" "weapon 3; sensitivity 4; g_crosshaircustom 1"
bind "5" "weapon 4; sensitivity 5; g_crosshaircustom 2"
bind "6" "weapon 5; sensitivity 5; g_crosshaircustom 5"
bind "7" "weapon 6; sensitivity 3; g_crosshaircustom 14"
bind "8" "weapon 7; sensitivity 3; g_crosshaircustom 17"
bind "9" "weapon 8; sensitivity 5; g_crosshaircustom 10"