Title : Rocket Arena 3 Server Readme Version : 1.75 RELEASE Webpage : http://www.planetquake.com/arena Date : 2003-04-16 Document author : Jonas Ingermaa "peak" (peak@carmack.nu) & Patrik "ElQueffo" Persson Document version : 1.1 -------------------------------------- Document version history -------------------------------------- 2004-03-07 Updated with 1.75 info. 2003-08-15 Update with 1.7 info. 2003-05-21 Small updates. 2003-04-16 1.0 Initial release. -------------------------------------- Introduction -------------------------------------- This document will describe how to install and configure Rocket Arena 3 server 1.7 in Windows and Linux. -------------------------------------- File listing in ra3175sv.zip -------------------------------------- * readsrv.txt (this file) * ra3_server.sh, simple startup shellscript for Unix * ra3_server.bat, simple startup batfile for Windows * arena.cfg, example arena config file * server.cfg, example server config file * qagamex86.dll * qagamei386.so * pb_cvars.cfg, recomended pb cvar restrictions. -------------------------------------- New server commands since RA3 1.7 -------------------------------------- g_httpd 1/0 Enable or disable the built-in webserver. Only enable this in a secure environment! There is no access control! g_statsThreshold [minutes] Threshold for stats to register in the database. Requires g_trackStats and g_trackPlayers. g_timeouts [number:length] Set number of and length of timeouts. g_autobalance [threshold] Enable or disable team autobalancing in CA. Threshold is the (damage * 100 / time) difference between teams that has to be reached before teams are balanced. If SUM_red(damage * 100 / time) - SUM_blue(damage * 100 / time) > threshold then balance. g_rotateLogs 1/0 Enable or disable log rotation. Files will be named g_logfile setting + mapname_date_time.log. g_trackStats 1/0 Track player statistics in the database. Requires g_trackPlayers. g_trackPlayers 1/0 Track players in the database. Requires PB to be enabled. -------------------------------------- New server commands since RA3 1.5 -------------------------------------- g_chatFlood [lines:seconds:limit] Chatflood protection. "lines": number of chatlines you can type in XX "seconds" "seconds": in within time you can type XX "lines" "limit": is how many times you can trigger the flood protection before being kicked g_voteInterval [seconds] Minimum of seconds between allowed callvote command "seconds": how many seconds between two callvotes we allow. Eg. if you set it to "60" players cant callvote before 60 seconds has passed before last callvote. g_votePercent [percent] Votepercent for callvote commands. "percent" (0-100), percent "vote yes" of votes to trigger callvote command. Eg. if set to "0" all votes will pass, if set to "100" all players have to vote yes. g_compmodeBlackout 1/0 Enable(1) or disable(0) the black screen feature in competition mode. -------------------------------------- Installation -------------------------------------- This is the server package for Rocket Arena 3. You will also need the client package (a seperate download) installed on the server. Download it and install according to the included instructions. Extract all files to your \quake3\arena directory Customize the server.cfg to your tastes. It includes the adminpass (see below) which will allow for in-game configuration of the mod. Please change this password! Please see below for info on the arena.cfg file, used to customize settings on a per server/per level/per arena basis. It includes map rotation information as well. The "ra3_server.bat" file ("ra3_server.sh" for Unix) has a sample command line for starting an RA3 server. Note that: 1. You must set "+set fs_game arena" on the command line 2. You must set "+set bot_enable 0" on the command line 3. You must set +set vm_game 0" on the command line -------------------------------------- Startup commands -------------------------------------- Startup commandline example: Windows: "quake3.exe +set fs_game arena +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set bot_enable 0 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg" Sample batfile for Windows is in the file ra316sv.zip, called "ra3_server.bat". Unix: "./q3ded +set fs_game arena +set vm_game 0 +set sv_pure 1 +set bot_enable 0 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg" Sample shellscript for Linux is in the file ra316sv.zip, called "ra3_server.sh". Use "+set dedicated 0" to run a Listen server (you play on the same machine) not recommended! Use "+set dedicated 1" to run a private dedicated server Use "+set dedicated 2" to run a public dedicated server For info how-to configure your RA3 server with punkbuster support, please see http://www.punkbuster.com/ -------------------------- Administration / Mod setup -------------------------- There are several console variables which control how the mod functions. Most other options have been moved to the arena.cfg file. "set g_adminpass mypassword" is the password that you set to allow in-game administration of the server. "set arenacfg myarena.cfg" will allow you to use filenames other than arena.cfg (to run two different servers on the same install for example). "set location " will allow players to find servers by region, a list of region locationcodes is in the sample server.cfg "set rconPassword mypassword" sets the standard Q3 remote console password. You can use this password with the "rcon" command to control the server remotely. -------------------------------------- server.cfg file -------------------------------------- See file server.cfg in ra316sv.zip for example configuration -------------- arena.cfg file -------------- The arena.cfg file allows you to specify map options on a: 1. per server 2. per map 3. per arena basis Information is stored in a hierarchical format. Priority goes in order to: 1. Values for the specific arena 2. Values for that map 3. Global values defined at the top of the arena.cfg file 4. Default values stored in the game code. The format of the file is (note that the < > characters are not typed!): ; ; { //comment ; ; ; { ; ; ; } { ; } } For example: //-----------START OF FILE------------ maploop: ra3map1 ra3map3 ra3map5 q3dm6; // <-- sets the map rotation for the server allowvotinggrapple:1; // <-- allows people to vote for grapple on this map ra3map1 { // <-- ra3map1 is the map name weapons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; //<-- these will be the default weapons, if none are specified for an arena armor: 200; //<-- default health if none is specified health: 100; //<-- default armor 1 { weapons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; //<-- arena 1 takes out the plasma armor: 100; //<-- reduces default armor to 100 playersperteam: 2; //<-- 2v2 matches rounds: 3; //<-- 2 out of 3 rounds wins the match } 2 { weapons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0; //<-- all weapons allowed armor: 150; //<-- only 150 armor health: 90; //<-- 90 health to start gametype: pickup; //<-- designates this as a pickup arena (will use the "defpickuparena" arena type) rounds: 9; //<-- 5 out of 9 rounds takes the match } 3 { gametype: practicearena; //<<-- Changes the default gametype for this arena (from rocketarena to practicearena) } 4 { health: 500; //<-- start with a ton of health armor: 500; //<-- and lots of armor slugs: 999; //<-- starting slugs is 999 now } //you do not need to list all the maps/arenas, unlisted ones will use defaults } q3dm6 { minping: 0; //all people allowed on this map. Overrides global 150 value gametype: redrover; //all arenas (only 1 actually) will be redrover grenades: 1; //can't go crazy with hyperblaster } //-----------END OF FILE------------ Available Options are: weapons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; //where the number corresponds to the default Q3 binding health: 100; armor: 100; shells: 100; bullets: 200; slugs: 50; grenades: 20; rockets: 50; cells: 150; plasma: 100; bfgammo: 20; playersperteam: 1; //maximum number of players to allow on a team (for creating 2v2/3v3/etc arenas) healthprotect: 1; // 0 = hurt self and team, 1 = don't hurt self or team, 2 = hurt self, not team armorprotect: 2; // 0 = hurt self and team, 1 = don't hurt self or team, 2 = hurt self, not team fallingdamage: 1; defpickup:clanarena; //sets what type of game to have in the arenas designated "pickup". For example, changing this to "redrover" will change all the pickup arenas from clan arena to red rover. competitionmode: 0; //enables compeition mode (can't track other team after you die) excessive: 0; //yup rounds: ; lockcount: 6; //number of players needed to lock an arena votetries: 2; //number of times a player can vote without a success (prevent spam) allowvotinggametype: 1; allowvotinghealtharmor: 1; allowvotingplayersperteam: 1; allowvotingrounds:1; allowvotinghealtharmorprotect: 1; allowvotingweapons: 1; allowvotingfallingdamage: 1; allowvotingexcessive: 0; allowvotinggrapple:0; Please take a look at the included arena.cfg for some more examples. If your settings are not being used, please make sure that: 1. you have a ":" (colon) seperating the identifier and the value 2. you have a ";" (semi-colon) at the end each line ------------ Game Types ------------ Rocket Arena 3 has 4 different types of games that can go on in the arenas: "rocketarena" - 1v1/2v2/3v3 line-based gameplay "clanarena" - 2 teams of unlimited size, no line "redrover" - 2 teams, players switch between them when they die "practice" - No teams, no deaths, just carnage See the client readme for longer descriptions of each game type. The gametype for each arena is specified by the "gametype" value in the arena.cfg. If no gametype is specified, the default of "rocketarena" will be used. If the gametype is specified as "pickup" then the game type defined at the top of the file as "defpickup" will be used. By default almost all of the RA3 maps are set up with one arena as pickup, and the defpickup value as "clanarena". So if you want to switch your whole server over to redrover, you just need to change the "defpickup" value. ---------------------- In Game Administration ---------------------- To use the in game administration, press esc and go to the in-game options menu. There is a menu item for "admin". To admin a specific arena, type in your password and double click on the arena name. It will then let you change all the settings for that arena. To change maps, just type in the password and double click a map in the list. ------------------- Troubleshooting/FAQ ------------------- Q: It asks for a CD when the server starts up? or Q: It won't load any maps? A: Make sure you have +bot_enable 0 on the command line. RA3 does not support Q3 bots yet. Q: How do I change the map loop or add another map? A: Edit the maploop line of arena.cfg (see below for more info) Q: Can I run custom or regular Q3 maps with RA3? A: Yes, just add them to your map loop (see below) Q: When I start a server or load a map it doesn't work, or it gives me an out of memory error? A: Make sure your "com_hunkmegs" setting is at least 64 Q: I get an error like "Error reading config file: unbalanced {}" when running a server? A: You made a mistake while editing arena.cfg - restore the original file from the zip. -------------------------------------- Copyright and Distribution Permissions -------------------------------------- This mod is freely distributable provided that this readme is distributed as well and is unchanged. All code is Copyright David Wright 2000. Rocket Arena is a registered trademark of David Wright Commercial code licensing is available by contacting wrightd@gamespy.com DISCLAIMER: THE PROGRAM IS DEFINED AS THE QUAKE 3 MOD "ROCKET ARENA 3" AND ALL FILES CONTAINED WITHIN. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. Quake 3: Arena© is copyright ©1999/2000 Id Software, Inc. Quake© is a registered trademark of Id Software. Quake 3™, the Id Software name are trademarks of Id Software, Inc.